About me

Why I do what I love and am able to marvel at it at the same time

Aus einer Türe wird ein Regal. In den Fotorahmen am Sims sind heute zurechtgeschnittene Fotos eingeklebt und eines Tages werden auch alle Buchrücken interessante Titel tragen.
Aus einer Türe wird ein Regal. In den Fotorahmen am Sims sind heute zurechtgeschnittene Fotos eingeklebt und eines Tages werden auch alle Buchrücken interessante Titel tragen.

"He's drawing the way I am!" 

I almost shouted these words. The paintings had been hung too high up for me to see what was portrayed in them. The exhibition itself was boring, but the horses drawing grabbed my attention. One line, simple, clear, easy to understand.


Hopefully you will forgive me for comparing my childhood drawing abilities with the ones Picasso had; after all I was only eight years old when I uttered these words. Even though my mother explained to me that the peculiarity of the sketch lay within the artists (who was a grown man) ability to overcome naturalistic shapes and the eyes perception and that, at the time it was perceived as brave to overcome said forms of depiction, the essence of what had happened at that moment is clear to me only now.

I had overcome the barrier between artwork and contemplator, initially created by the White Cube, because it did not yet exist for me at the time.


On this occasion my mother also told me, that anybody could be a creator/artist, but that at the same time most people were not aware of the fact that they had this ability or else, that somebody else had taken the authorization of "creating (something new)" from them. 

To me, the speed of today's world is rather unsettling. After realizing that nature had refused to settle into that new speed, I decided to claim the same right for my life. Everything in existence is entitled to (claim) time. Everything, that has not been existing before, but does now, has claimed time to come into existence and therefore is unable to exist without it.Today's prevailing desire of humanity, to exist beyond time, in my opinion, derives from our fear of fugacity. The outward appearance degenerates to still life, the To-Be-Created is to be finalized the moment its creation has begun.

The works you  see on this site are my way of paying tribute to the very process without which nothing would be able to exist. Any single one of my drawings is a snap-shot of the balance between time and existence.

Ihr Weg zu mir

Da mein Leben großteils mit Papier am Schreibtisch, am Boden oder an der Wand stattfindet, freue ich mich vor allem über analoge Kontaktaufnahme. Sie werden sehen, es gibt nichts Erfreulicheres, als endlich wieder einmal einen Brief von Hand zu schreiben. Oder Sie rufen mich an. Ach, Sie haben Ihr Telefon bereits in der Hand? 


Seeing as my life mainly centers on paper on desks, the floor or the walls available, I am most greatful for being contacted the oldfashioned way - be honest, when was the last time you actually wrote a letter by hand? Give it a try. You might enjoy it. Calling me would be another option - I say! You are holding your mobile this instant?

Mag. Maret Amtmann

Burggasse 17

A-8010 Graz

Tel: +43 699 8130 4949