Space in Space

To our perception, space is a benchmark we always keep in mind when preparing to act. The rattan-sculptures can on the one hand be seen as self-contained spaces, on the other hand they are matter in space. The material itself can bend into manifold organic shapes, though it is limited, just like a human being would be, in its abilities to cope with pressure. In this series I tried to get as close as possible towards these load limits to set them in relation to proximity- and distance relation.

PfingstArt 2017: Room installation in the Basilika of Weizberg

Exhibition Baodo Art Association 10/11 2019

Ihr Weg zu mir

Da mein Leben großteils mit Papier am Schreibtisch, am Boden oder an der Wand stattfindet, freue ich mich vor allem über analoge Kontaktaufnahme. Sie werden sehen, es gibt nichts Erfreulicheres, als endlich wieder einmal einen Brief von Hand zu schreiben. Oder Sie rufen mich an. Ach, Sie haben Ihr Telefon bereits in der Hand? 


Seeing as my life mainly centers on paper on desks, the floor or the walls available, I am most greatful for being contacted the oldfashioned way - be honest, when was the last time you actually wrote a letter by hand? Give it a try. You might enjoy it. Calling me would be another option - I say! You are holding your mobile this instant?

Mag. Maret Amtmann

Burggasse 17

A-8010 Graz

Tel: +43 699 8130 4949